26 August 2014

FINAL PLANS + Stockland

After some poking and prodding we finally received our final plans siting on our land contours :)

Very happy that they missed none of our gazilion changes and managed to get all the windows nice and even!

We have signed off on the plans and BH advised they are sending to Stockland today!

14 August 2014

Tile Selections

Settlement Approaching!

While we wait for settlement, I have been busy organising the Planning Certificate S149(2) for BW. They need it to lodge the final plans to CDC. It was received today from Wollongong Council!

The certificate contains information on how a property may be used and the restrictions on development. The best thing about receiving our certificate is that it indicates we are not in a bush fire zone. When we originally bought the land it had a Bal 12.5 which we had to pay $3200 for the privilege of having, so happy we should now get a credit!

6 August 2014


WE HAVE REGISTERED as at 10.25am this morning! So happy and relieved that it is out of Stocklands hands and they can no longer F@#k it up!

So where to from here?

Well we have notified Beechwood and Westpac and settlement will occur in 14 days and then we are official mortgagees!