20 April 2014

Floor Plan!!

As the title suggests we now have floor plans!!!!
We weren't exited with the lead up to Saturday seeing as we had done this all with MJH before which was a huge drama so we were expecting the worst.

The plans look better then expected and we're very happy!  It's not the biggest house but it is just myself and DH for the foreseeable future so it's huge for us. It also means that spending less on a smaller house means we can spend a bit more on upgrades!

We also did our external colour selections and signed a bunch of paperwork whilst we were there and after 3.5 hours with the sales team we were knackered but glad we knocked it out in one go.
We have based our plan off the McDonald Jones Santorini, we love this plan so when we found the BH Lexia we were stocked it was so close to what we wanted.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats mate. You plan looks great. We also finalised plan like that from All worth and Beechwood. My land Registration is in Sep-Oct this year. Will keep looking for your blog.
